Life Coach

Do you want to identify your goals? 

Do you want to grow personally?

Do you want to identify your limiting beliefs? 

Do you want to work towards financial independence?

Do you want to obtain work/life balance? 

Do you want to achieve more powerful connections professionally and personally?

Do you want to improve relationships and communication skills?

If the answer is yes, I can support you in your journey as your Life Coach.

After my own life experiences, good and bad (which I would be happy to share with you personally) I knew I needed to support others to achieve this more happier, more confident and enlightened life as well. This journey takes time and commitment to achieve, but is worth fighting/working for. 

But first let me explain what exactly is a Life Coach.

What is a Life Coach?

A Life Coach is someone who can improve your life, help you feel better and support you in achieving your goals. They are like a best friend who will call you out when you're showing up in a way you don't want to, they give tough love, and believe in you before you may be able to. They help you create the life you always wanted and provide encouragement throughtout your journey to become a better version of yourself. 

What does a Life Coach do?

A Life Coach encourages and counsels clients on different issues professionally and personally. Life Coaching is distinctive from giving advice, counseling, mentoring, consulting, counseling, and therapy. 

A coach helps you grow by analyzing your current situation, identifying limiting beliefs and other potential challenges and obstacles you face and provide you with a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes in your life.

Who should consider working with a Life Coach?

Anyone who wants to do more tomorrow than they can do today.

Should you not consider Life Coaching?

Life coaching gets great results for many people, but it is not necessarily right for everyone. 

Here are some examples which would not benefit:

- You want immediate results. The best things in life don't come easy, but are worth working/fighting for and that takes time.

- You have a mental health condition. Life coaches are not therapists, phychologists or psychiatrist. They are trained to ask questions and help with your mindset and overcome challenges. But they cannot provide treatment for mental health issues like depression or severe anxiety. 

With which topics can I help you?

- Work related

- Finance

- Love and Partnership

- Addictions and habits

- Stress

- Losses and parting

What can you expect in a session?

In the first session we will get to know each other and we will find out your exact vision of life, (How would you like it to be?) and we will identify your barriers and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your full potential. This is an intake session, to get to know each other and to see if you think i'm the perfect match for you to guide you in this journey.

If you decide to take this journey with me after the intake session we will start with the follow up sessions with assessing your current position and I will help you measure your progress and identify current and potential obstacles. After that we will review your resources and all courses of action available to you in order to create a plan of action.

You will then decide which specific steps you would like to take and when you will take them. You will prepare for potential obstacles and decide how to cope with them. You will ensure that each step supports your end goals, while I will help you stay on track and monitor your progress. If your plan needs modification at any point, we will adjust it accordingly.


Intake session (45 min): 35 euro (Incl. btw)

Follow up appointments (60-90 min): 45 euro per session (Incl. btw)

Do you recognize yourself and would like to improve yourself? 

Don't hesitate to contact me today to take this journey to self improvement and have a happier & balanced life.